Fake Fakes & Multilayered Materialities, BRRUM (SE)

New exhibition at SPARK Malmo, Fake Fakes & Multilayered Materialities,

Fake Fakes studies fake materials and fictive materialities in-between image and stone, drawing and architecture. It explores combinations of computerized and reused techniques for translating and imitating fake stone, taking its starting point in a series of case studies of faux marbling (surfaces painted to look like marble) in Italy and Sweden. Just like historical marble imitations our translations produce new material qualities and effects where ambiguities between one material and the image of another emerge.

Brrum is an architecture practice run by Ulrika Karlsson, Cecilia Lundbäck and Veronica Skeppe, engaging projects that span across given scales and disciplines. Whether a building, a landscape, a piece of furniture or public art, we aim to push aspects of technology, materiality and place. Brrum has lectured, exhibited and published nationally and internationally. www.brrum.se

SPARK is a collaborative platform located in Malmö, Sweden with the purpose of strengthening the interface between architecture, art, research, and societal advancement through exhibitions and lectures. The aim is to promote artistic processes in architecture and urban development by activating intersections between art, architecture, urban design, and landscape architecture. www.sparkmalmo.org


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Cite: "Fake Fakes & Multilayered Materialities, BRRUM (SE)" 15 Apr 2021. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/960196/fake-fakes-and-multilayered-materialities-brrum-se> ISSN 0719-8884

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